Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Say Hello to "The Chipper"

What is this?
This is the new heroes that s2games are talking bout!! They said that they will add new heroes a week after open beta ryte? remember? So this is it..this is what they promise to us, HoN Player..

When this hero gonna be online?
Based on what they post, this hero can be played as soon as they updating to version 0.3.2..
and its gonna be on wednesday, 2:30-3:30 PM PST @ 05:30:31 AM Thursday April 8, 2010 in Malaysia..
and I don't know when its gonna be..looks like it gonna take sometimes to fix the bug..

Can I test this out before it?
I'm just gonna quote what they said bout this eh?
To participate in the pre-beta test client games, you'll need to participate in our IRC channel. This is open to anyone who wants to join. Our IRC information is:
ports: 6667
channel: #hon
Once you're in, you can use /nick <name> to change your name.To those of you unfamiliar with the pre-beta test client, it's a special client that updates and installs separately from the regular beta client. When we have content that we know is going to require some more thorough testing, we put it through the test client to get the obvious bugs/issues out of the way (in addition to feedback on experimental balance changes). Some people like to ask "what's the point of the main beta test, then?" The second client really doesn't diminish the value or meaning of the primary beta test. Rather than put out a patch/update to the beta client that we know will have some glaring issues, we run it through this secondary process first. This actually helps the main beta test by not slowing it down with potentially game-breaking issues (our test patches on the pre-beta client receive minimal testing and often we'll patch multiple days in a row as we work on it, a process which would be quite troublesome if attempted on the main beta client). We'll be posting the link to the pre-beta test client in the topic of that channel, as well as information as to where to contribute feedback and discuss the patches. 
Little preview
Ok I got some info bout this hero on the forums..
1- u can launch rockets .. first thing u touch does 125 magic dmg
2- swap tar u can slow the enemy and attack speed depends on the distance
3- magic armor
4- saw ult ... imba LOL
and a link of The Chipper ulti video's preview by  [WSR]Crimzors HERE!

Side Note:-
Nothing much I can say here..guess just wait and see after its out =P
Then I'll update bout the skill and anything bout this little chipper~

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