Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dekaron : How To Make Money - part 1

I know almost all the player in this game dunno how to make money as fast as they can ryte? Especially when they see people running/moving proudly with their wing! They'll thinking something like this..
"How the hell he/she got 50mil! My money can't event rich 5mil! Lol!"

Hah! This is just an example! I know you guys got more than that ryte? =P w/e..
Ok lets get back to the topic for today!

Actually, there are so many ways to earn money in this game you know..(rocky balboa slang ftw! xD)
but today I'll just want to tell you 1 way lol..
Deng! you sux!

Come on..don't be upset..this is the fastest way tho..but a boring ways actually >.<
Aaah..tell us already demit!

Hehe Ok2..the secret is...Crespo Dungeon!
What? Really? That dungeon? How?

Heh before I tell you guys how to do it..let me tell the newbies what is this Crespo Dungeon k?
Nah..w/e..make it short!

Crespo Dungeon a.k.a Treasure of Crespo is located in Crespo..It is available in 3tiers
  • Treasure of Crespo
  • Treasure of Crespo B
  • Treasure of Crespo A
Before we start there are some things that you guys should know..
  • The 1st one (or dungeon C) is the easiest while A is the toughest 
  • Only accessible to lvl60+ player..
  • You can do it alone or with party..up to you..
  • All tiers cost you the same..300 000 dil!
Ok I think you guys already got the idea eh? For more info,you can visit here or leave your comments below!
Done now?! Tell me how!!!

Nah... =P
Treasure of Crespo Map
  Actually the map is lots more bigger than this! but since we gonna make money out of it, I just take the important parts..
1st of all, you see lots of color on the map ryte? I'll tell you what's that..
the Red line = Steel gate
the Green line = Wooden gate
the Blue circle = Lever [you'll need to pull this to destroy the Steel gate]
the Purple circle = Corpse
the White box = Coffin
the Yellow box = Treasure
Our targets here are to get all 6 treasure! [excluding the one under L4..thats just crap gems anyways..]
But before you can reach there, you must follow the rules/road of this dungeon..until you meet the corpse unless you're a hacker lol..
Ok here's how this dungeon works..
→After you enter the dungeon, you'll be at L1..
→There,you'll have some times to buff or w/e..
→After you ready, pull the lever there and the Steel gate will going down..
→Go straight to the Wooden gate and break it down..
tips: ignore the mobs there and use AoE skills to attack the door..this will clear up the mobs while breaking the door..
→Then, turn right and head to L2..pull the lever, clear the mobs..
→Head back and go to the same..pull the lever, clear the mobs..
→Then, break the Wooden gate and straight to the same..
tips: make sure there's a message saying you've kill all the mobs or w/e here..
→After L4, go straight to the corpse..just ignore the Wooden gates!
→Talk to the corpse and chanting w/e the spell lol..the Steel gates will going down..
→Now, you don't need to kill mobs no more..go collect all the 6 treasures! It's all yours~
warning: don't break the coffin!
→Relog by pressing Esc and choose Character from the it again and again till you reach your target!

Nah! We're done!! Boring isn't? :P
That's it? No more? sure are noisy..zzZ~
Ok i'll add up some more..
→Do it alone! Come're 102+ ryte? Don't be a disgrace to your class.. [don't even sure what this mean lol]
→Make sure you enter dungeon C..easy and fastest..
Here I'll give you the amount I got from A and C..its random tho..
Dungeon A
Dungeon C
You do the math..I just hate it you know..Chiow~

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